Hey Mark,

For me, there's a fundamental shortcoming of this proposal:
- You cannot opt out.

Currently, as you describe in your RFC, it is perfectly possible, to opt into 
making this category of errors fail hard (throw an exception in an error 

However, should your RFC pass, it is not possible to say "hey, I generally 
consider this a low impact class of errors, please try to continue".

As such, given that PHP is meant to appeal to a broad class of use cases, I am 
strongly against this change as proposed.


> Am 18.02.2022 um 00:28 schrieb Mark Randall <marand...@php.net>:
> Internals,
> Following on from my previous thread, I think we are now in a position where 
> we can begin formal discussions on an RFC to promote undefined variables to 
> Error exceptions in PHP 9.0.
> I present:
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/undefined_variable_error_promotion
> I still intend to bring other error promotions forward, potentially in 
> collaboration with other developers, but as this is the biggest change, and 
> the most likely to attract a large number of comments, I thought it deserving 
> of a standalone RFC.
> Mark Randall
> -- 
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