Hi Dan, just an error in this part:

> Or if support for less than PHP 8.1 can be dropped, using the first
> class callable syntax
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/first_class_callable_syntax :
> if (is_callable(static::methodName(...))) {
>     static::methodName();
> }
> or
> $fn = static::methodName(...);
> if (is_callable($fn)) {
>     $fn();
> }

This throws an Error on `static::methodName(...)` [if not callable],
before even passing it to `is_callable()`: https://3v4l.org/m29BK

And yes, code should probably better use a same variable for both the
check and the call, but that could also degrade DX (IDE
autocompletion, static analysis) especially if calling with

(the other parts of your message have been answered by Juliette)


Guilliam Xavier

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