On 11.07.2022 at 09:27, James Titcumb wrote:

> On Fri, 8 Apr 2022 at 15:29, Calvin Buckley <cal...@cmpct.info> wrote:
>> If I could set up a workflow that when I tag a release, it pushes a full
>> matrix to PECL, that would be great.
> Any info on whether this is possible, or may be possible in the future? I
> too have set up a pipeline to build all supported PHP versions for
> scoutapm, on nts/ts, x86/x64 (big thanks to cmb!). Would be nice if that
> build matrix could also upload the DLLs built in GitHub Actions to PECL,
> but I have no idea what the steps to do that (starting from a built DLL)
> would be.

This is unlikely to be possible even in the future.  For once, the FTP
server is configured to only accept uploads from an IP whitelist.  But
maybe more importantly, we need to avoid DLL hell and ABI breaks for
users, so especially if there are libraries involved, we need to make
sure that these are the same version, or at least compatible, between
different extensions.

I'm hoping that <https://github.com/cmb69/php-ftw> can serve as a base
for doing the official Windows builds of PECL extensions, but there is
still a lot of work to do (most notably regarding the PECL dependency
libraries[1], which are not yet properly versioned[2]).

[1] <https://windows.php.net/downloads/pecl/deps/>
[2] <https://windows.php.net/downloads/php-sdk/deps/series/>

Christoph M. Becker

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