On 12 Dec 2022, at 23:36, Thomas Hruska <thru...@cubiclesoft.com> wrote:
> I suspect many people are in a similar holding pattern who are currently 
> running packaged 7.4.x and are just now discovering all of the changes for 
> PHP 8.x as they are planning out their system upgrade paths in the coming 
> months.  While you probably wish everyone marched in step with PHP-latest, 
> that's simply not feasible in reality.

Hi Thomas, Dan,

I know a few teams that have started using 8.x on their development servers 
(while 7.x is still on demo/live). Each team has their difficulties, but 
fortunately most issues can be ignored for now (as in, code works, and gives 
you time to make changes)... undefined indexes are a classic, but once you've 
found them all (the tricky bit), it often makes your code better, and helps 
identify mistakes (similar to undefined variables).

But, the one change I still cannot justify, is the deprecation of null being 
passed to the ~335 functions like htmlspecialchars. The null value can come 
from many sources (e.g. GET/POST/COOKIE/databases), and while you can still use 
null coercion in contexts like string concat (empty string), arithmetic (the 
value 0), or a boolean (false); finding all the function calls is incredibly 
hard (one team I work with, who has a fairly good test coverage, is still 
finding these over a year later)... at least it can be ignored for 8.x, but 
it's going to be a nightmare for 9.0... I tried writing an RFC to revert this 
change (considering there was pretty much no discussion went into it, and I 
cannot find a benefit for breaking coercion in this one context), but it was 
met with a lot of hostility from internals, so I'm finding ways to work around 
it, because I don't like systems using old/unsupported software (and I've got 
some ugly hacks for it, like using the latest version of Rector to flood your 
code base with `(string) $var`, or to use a namespace).


https://externals.io/message/117501 <https://externals.io/message/117501>


namespace null_coercion;

function strlen(?string $string): int {
    return \strlen((string) $string);
// x335 functions



namespace null_coercion;
require_once('null_coercion.php'); // Probably can be auto-loaded.

echo strlen('AAA');
echo strlen(NULL);
echo strlen(12);
echo strlen(false);


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