> Anyone surprised by any of the changes in recent versions that boil down
> to "know your types and know if you actually have a variable" has been
> living under a rock for the last 20 years.  None of this has been a
> secret.  The language has been providing more and more tools to
> know-your-types for years.

I have seen this type of comment here many times and I don't understand why
it keeps being repeated. The world is made up of many rocks and we're all
living under one of them. This whole thread is nothing but
my-rock-is-the-only-rock-everyone-else-should-live-under type of comments.

> And yes, I used to work on a system that didn't do that properly.  (TYPO3,
> ~800,000 LOC)  It took me a few weeks, but we still managed to fix all of
> these issues in mostly one-person-month, mostly with dropping "?? null"
> around in various places.  It's not the world-destroyer people make it out
> to be.

Do you honestly think that everyone with a small/medium PHP project
(500k~1M LOC) out there has someone as competent as you capable of
achieving what you did? That is definitely a dream rock to live under.

Marco Deleu

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