On Mon, Jan 23, 2023, at 9:39 AM, Ollie Read wrote:
> You are absolutely correct. I guess the solution would be to handle it 
> differently in this case.
> Creating a closure from a static method would be fine, as it creates a 
> static closure, but when attempting to create a static closure from a 
> non-static method, it would instead return a closure that errors if it 
> isn't bound to an appropriate object. You'd most likely want to 
> restrict this to public methods only, which would help with the 
> security issues.

Then don't make it a non-static method?  Using an object method as a static 
method has been bad practice for as long as I can remember and an error since 
sometime recently, I think, so let's not do that.

> There's already a check there that throws an error, so we can already 
> tell the difference there, but the tricky part will be in the returned 
> closure. Perhaps something like "BindingClosure" that throws the static 
> error when attempting to call it unbound, or better yet, a more 
> descriptive error about it requiring binding.
> Would that be feasible?

By the time the error is thrown is too late.  It's a distinction that needs to 
be made before the bind.  So you could do like:

if ($fn->needsBinding()) {
  $fn = $fn->bindTo($o);

(Or something.)

That said, it sounds like you're talking about something different anyway that 
is probably unfeasible.

Also, please do not top post.

--Larry Garfield

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