On Mon, 10 Apr 2023, G. P. B. wrote:

> Hello Internals,
> Dan and I would like to propose a new core autoloading mechanism that fixes
> some minor design issues with the current class autoloading mechanism and
> introduce a brand-new function autoloading mechanism:
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/core-autoloading
> The existing SPL autoloading functions would become aliases to the new Core
> ones and will continue to work without any migrations needing to be
> performed.
> Hope to hear your opinions about this!

I find the chosen names 
(_register_class, _unregiester_class, _call_class, 
_list_class, _register_function, _unregister_function, _call_function, 
and _list_function) not very clear. From reading just their names, I 
would have no idea of what they would do as they don't read like an 
instruction. You're not registering a class or function, you're 
registering a *handler* for resolving the class or function name being 
passed in.

| If a function named strlen exists in the namespace bar PHP would use 
| that, otherwise PHP would 'fallback' to the strlen() function in the 
| global namespace. ... 
| When code tries to call a function that doesn't currently exist in the 
| current namespace, the function autoloader mechanism will call the 
| registered function autoloaders once with the fully namespaced 
| function name. 

Doesn't that mean that the autoloader would be called for (almost) every 
built-in function? That sounds like a large performance hit. Even if 
done only once per ... per what exactly? Source location? Fully 
qualified unction name? Where is this information stored?

Your line on pinning is a little vague on this.

| The position of this RFC is that this behaviour is correct both from a 
| performance point-of-view

I would like to see that backed that up with hard data.

| though arguably from other positions it might be less correct. 

Which positions would that be?

| The current RFC as proposed has a large BC break for the code: …  
| Which needs to be thought about. 

Can you clarify what the output would be? I'm expecting:


Which is already confusing, IMO? Or does the first function_exists also 
call the autoloader? Have you seen this pattern used anywhere?

If it is, then this can't / shouldn't be broken in PHP 8.3, but rather 
earlist in 9.0.

| Accuracy of the naming

I think that the phrasing in there indicates that there is already a 
scope for improving on the (IMO) less than stellar proposed naming of 
the functions that register autoload handlers. And perhaps using *type* 
in the name is the best way forwards?

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