Hi Rowan,

> As an aside, I don't think "other deprecations are already more difficult"
> is a good argument - it's like saying "yes, I punched him, but not as hard
> as someone else already had". I think the change can be defended from other
> angles, but wanted to call that out.

I admit that my argument was not a good one, but I intended to mean that
most of
the suggested alternatives are not too difficult to implement: since
numerous other proposals
were accepted in the past with a much more difficult upgrade path, I think
this aspect
of my RFC shouldn't be a deal breaker considering the benefits.

Maybe because the function names are so similar? In general, I hate
> variable and function names that differ only by an "s", it's far too easy
> to misread or mistype them. Maybe "session_set_save_handler_functions"?

To be honest, I'm not a fan of using the longer names
and stream_context_set_option_array), especially the latter one looks weird
to me, and it
doesn't go well with stream_context_get_options().

Besides, a most interesting development is that I've just discovered the
and stream_context_set_params() functions which do nearly the same what the
functions do: the only difference between them is that the latter functions
wrap the options inside the
"options" key and also has an additional "notification" key.

It *is* strictly related, though: the current function has two purposes:
> get an option, and set an option; the RFC proposes to split that into two
> functions, and there are three ways we can do that:

Thanks for the idea, your explanation made sense to me, so finally, I
removed assert_options() from
my proposal and the deprecation of assert_options() relies on the PHP 8.3
deprecations RFC.


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