Hi Tim

On 10/14/23 12:30, Tim Düsterhus wrote:
> Hi
> On 10/13/23 00:39, Niels Dossche wrote:
>> Please let me know your thoughts.
> What does calling ->registerPHPFunctions() do when it's called more than 
> once? Will the existing allow-list be overwritten or amended?
> i.e.
> $xpath->registerPHPFunctions([
>   'strtoupper',
> ]);
> $xpath->registerPHPFunctions([
>   'ucfirst',
> ]);
> will I be able to:
> (a) Call ucfirst(), but not strtoupper()
> (b) Call both

You can call both, it's additive.

> Best regards
> Tim Düsterhus


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