Hi Marc

On 10/15/23 12:53, Marc wrote:
> Hi,
> On 14.10.23 13:54, Niels Dossche wrote:
>> Hi Tim
>> On 10/14/23 12:30, Tim Düsterhus wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> On 10/13/23 00:39, Niels Dossche wrote:
>>>> Please let me know your thoughts.
>>> What does calling ->registerPHPFunctions() do when it's called more than 
>>> once? Will the existing allow-list be overwritten or amended?
>>> i.e.
>>> $xpath->registerPHPFunctions([
>>>    'strtoupper',
>>> ]);
>>> $xpath->registerPHPFunctions([
>>>    'ucfirst',
>>> ]);
>>> will I be able to:
>>> (a) Call ucfirst(), but not strtoupper()
>>> (b) Call both
>> You can call both, it's additive.
> As it's not clear what these functions do wouldn't it make more sense to 
> introduce new / more clear functions and deprecate the old?
> Like:
> ->addXPathCallable(string $alias, callable $fn);
> ->getXPathCallables(): array<string, callable>
> ->removeXPathCallable(string $alias);

This would be the cleaner option.
The question here is how they would interact with each other and the existing 
- addXPathCallable() when the alias already exists: I guess throw a ValueError
- remove and get should likely also act on the functions registered via 
- What should happen when we call registerPhpFunctions() followed by 
addXPathCallable("foo", function ($...) {...});
  Probably both global functions and foo should be callable. But what should 
happen then when there is also a global function foo, which one should be 
called? Probably the explicitly registered callable?

What's currently also weird is that in the following snippet:
then only ucfirst() would be callable, which is surprising especially 
considering that calling $xpath->registerPhpFunctions("otherfunction") 
afterwards will make both ucfirst and otherfunction callable.

> And is it really necessary to be able to register all functions? Also what 
> would happen in this case with functions included later? Would they also be 
> callable or only the functions known at the point of registering?

For the first question: unlikely.
For the second question: they would also be callable.

>>> Best regards
>>> Tim Düsterhus
>> Cheers
>> Niels
> Best,
> Marc


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