On 9 December 2023 12:30:29 GMT, Max Semenik <maxsem.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Hi, I'd like to propose a new attribute, #[NotSerializable]. This
>functionality is already available for internal classes - userspace should
>benefit from it, too.

If this ends up approximately the same as implementing serialisation as an 
exception, it feels quite a thin feature. If you put __sleep and __wakeup as 
shown into a trait, it's already as short and explicit as "use NotSerializable;"

What would make it more compelling is if the engine itself could do more with 
the attribute. For instance, a direct isSerializable() on ReflectionClass that 
covered both internal and attribute-marked classes.

It would also be useful to have some interface for classes that are *sometimes* 
serializable, because they contain open-ended collections of other objects. An 
example being exceptions, which may collect objects as part of the backtrace 
information. Such a class could iterate its contained objects, checking if they 
are unserializable classes, or classes which should recursively be asked if the 
instance is serializable.


Rowan Tommins

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