Hi Rowan,

pt., 29 gru 2023 o 23:56 Rowan Tommins <rowan.coll...@gmail.com> napisał(a):

> On 29/12/2023 21:14, Kévin Dunglas wrote:
> ...
> The use of objects vs arrays wasn't the main difference I was trying to
> highlight there, but rather the overall API of how information gets into
> and out of the application. FrankenPHP is the only server listed which
> needs to reset global state on each request, because the others
> (including Python WSGI and ASGI) use non-global variables for both input
> and output.

I wasn't aware of ASGI, in the past I read about WSGI and noticed a PHP
connector allowing the PHP app to run inside the WSGI server.
I read most of the spec
https://asgi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/specs/index.html yesterday and it
sounds like a really solid solution.
Personally, I'd love to see something similar for PHP.
It'd clearly be something different from the usual PHP app where global
$_GET|POST variables carry the HTTP request input.
Solution taken by Python in fact is about returning a callable fulfilling a
specific signature no matter if this is a simple function, closure or
Object implementing __invoke function - and this gives much flexibility.
I believe that considering the fact that ASGI provides an API for HTTP
interaction including WebSockets that could only benefit to PHP ecosystem.

In the past, I was thinking about something similar to adopting WSGI but
was not aware of ASGI.

Michał Marcin Brzuchalski

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