> >     - FrankenPHP expects the user to manage the main event loop ...
> >
> >
> > This isn't exact. FrankenPHP does manage the event loop (the Go
> > runtime manages it - through a channel - under the hood).
> Perhaps "event loop" was the wrong term; what I was highlighting is that
> to use FrankenPHP or RoadRunner, you have to write a while loop, which
> explicitly handles one request at a time. In Swoole, there is no such
> loop: you register event handlers and then call $server->run() once.
> Similarly, WSGI mandates that the server "invokes the application
> callable once for each request it receives from an HTTP client".
> It's a distinction of pull/poll (the application must actively block
> until next request) vs push/subscribe (the application is passively
> invoked whenever needed).

I think these models have different capabilities: A pull/poll model is
quite simple, while a subscription model is usually more complex.

With something simple like in FrankenPHP, creating a Queue SAPI, a
WebSocket SAPI, etc isn't far off, where someone writes some PHP to
consume a queue or websocket connections.

> > I already replied to Crell about that. It will totally possible to
> > expose more complex HTTP message objects in the future,
> > but PHP currently lacks such objects. The only things we have are
> > superglobals (which are more or less similar to CGI variables, as done
> > in WSGI) and streams. It's why we're using them.
> The use of objects vs arrays wasn't the main difference I was trying to
> highlight there, but rather the overall API of how information gets into
> and out of the application. FrankenPHP is the only server listed which
> needs to reset global state on each request, because the others
> (including Python WSGI and ASGI) use non-global variables for both input
> and output.
> I notice that the Laravel Octane adaptor for FrankenPHP takes that
> global state and immediately converts it into non-global variables for
> consumption by the application.

For this to happen in PHP Core, there would need to be request objects
instead of a global state. If an RFC implementing PSR
requests/responses in Core is a pre-requisite for enabling what we're
discussing here, I'd personally be all for that (as would a very large
chunk of the PHP community, IMHO). I personally think this is a
chicken/egg type of problem though. It doesn't make sense to have
request/response objects right now, and I get the feeling that people
would only support worker mode primitives if there were request
objects... so, it might make sense to build a v1 of the worker mode
primitives and then iterate towards request objects, because then
there would be an actual need for them.

Robert Landers
Software Engineer
Utrecht NL

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