Hi Aleksander,

> Here's another question.
> 1. Since we have withScale(), do we need to inherit the $scale argument from 
> the functional API? Can't we derive it from the object the method is being 
> invoked on?
> So, instead, e.g.
> public function add(BcNum|string|int $num, ?int $scale = null): BcNum {}
> public function sqrt(?int $scale = null): BcNum {}
> I'd suggest:
> public function add(BcNum|string|int $num): BcNum {}
> public function sqrt(): BcNum {}
> but I have no clue about BCMath.

Yeah, you're right. By using `withScale` before calculating, we can obtain 
results of arbitrary precision without using Scale during calculation.

The code in that case would look like this:
$num = new Number('1.23');
$num2 = new Number('4.56');

$numRescaled = $num->withScale(4);

$result = $numRescaled->add($num2);
$result->value; // '5.7900'
$result->scale; // 4

On the other hand, if  allow the calculation method to specify a scale, we can 
write it like this:
$num = new Number('1.23');
$num2 = new Number('4.56');

$result = $num->add($num2, 4);
$result->value; // '5.7900'
$result->scale; // 4

It's just one less line, but that's the only reason to support the `$scale` 

However, for calculations other than mul and div, the calculation results will 
always fit within the scale.
$num = new Number('1.23'); // scale 2
$num2 = new Number('1'); // scale 0

$num->add($num2); // '2.23', scale 2 is enough
$num->sub($num2); // '0.23', scale 2 is enough
$num->mod($num2); // '0.23', scale 2 is enough

On the other hand, for mul, div, and pow, the original `$num` scale may not be 
$num = new Number('1.23'); // scale 2
$num2 = new Number('1.1'); // scale 1

$num->mul($num2); // '1.353' be '1.35', scale 2 is not enough

$num = new Number('1.23'); // scale 2
$num2 = new Number('4'); // scale 0

$num->div($num2); // '0.3075' be '0.30', scale 2 is not enough
$num->pow($num2); // '2.28886641', be '2.28' scale 2 is not enough

For mul and pow, can calculate the required scale. However, for div, the 
calculation may never end, such as `0.33333....`, so it is not possible to 
calculate the scale to fit the result completely.

In cases like this, we thought that some users would want to easily specify the 
scale, so we created an easy-to-use signature.

However, it may not be necessary to specify scale for all calculation 
functions. Is it reasonable to specify only mul, div, pow, or only div?



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