On 24/03/2024 13:13, Saki Takamachi wrote:

Based on the various discussions we've been having, I'd like to propose a simplified handling of "scale".

I think there are two groups of users we are trying to help:

a) Users who want an "infinite" scale, and will round manually when absolutely necessary, e.g. for display. The scale can't actually be infinite in the case of calculations like 1/3, so they need some safe cut-off.

b) Users who want to perform operations on a fixed scale, with configurable rounding, e.g. for e-commerce pricing. They are not interested in any larger scale, except possibly in some intermediate calculations, when they want the same as group (a).

I propose:

- The constructor accepts string|int $num only.

- All operations accept an optional scale and rounding mode.

- If no rounding mode is provided, the default behaviour is to truncate. This means that (new BCMath\Number('20'))->div(3, 5) has the same result as bcdiv('20', '3', 5) which is 6.66666

- If a rounding mode is provided, the object transparently calculates one extra digit of scale, then rounds according to the specified mode.

- If no scale is provided, most operations will automatically calculate the required scale, e.g. add will use the larger of the two scales. This is the same as the current RFC.

- If no scale is provided to div(), sqrt(), or pow(-$x), the result will be calculated to the scale of the left-hand operand, plus 10. This is the default behaviour in the current RFC.

- Operator overloads behave the same as not specifying a scale or rounding mode to the corresponding method. Therefore (new BCMath\Number('20')) / (new BCMath\Number('3')) will result in 6.6666666666 - an automatic scale of 10, and truncation of further digits.

Compared to the current RFC, that means:

- Remove the ability to customise "max expansion scale". For most users, this is a technical detail which is more confusing than useful. Users in group (b) will never encounter it, because they will specify scale manually; advanced users in group (a) may want to customise the logic in different ways anyway.

- Remove the ability for a Number value to carry around its own default rounding mode. Users in group (a) will never use it. Users in group (b) are likely to want the same rounding in the whole application, but providing it on every call to new Number() is no easier than providing it on each fixed-scale calculation.

- Remove the $maxExpansionScale and $roundingMode properties and constructor parameters.

- Remove withMaxExpansionScale and withRoundMode.

- Remove all the logic around propagating rounding mode and expansion scale between objects.

I've also noticed that the round method is currently defined as:

- public function round(int $precision = 0, int $mode = PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP): Number {}

Presumably $precision here is actually the desired scale of the result? If so, it should probably be named $scale, as in the rest of the interface.

I realise it's called $precision in the global round() function; that's presumably a mistake which is now hard to fix due to named parameters.

Ideally, it would be nice to have both roundToPrecision() and roundToScale(), but as Jordan explained, an implementation which actually calculated precision could be difficult and slow.


Rowan Tommins

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