On Wed, 3 Apr 2024, Jordan LeDoux wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 18, 2024 at 1:35 PM Rowan Tommins [IMSoP] <imsop....@rwec.co.uk>
> wrote:
> >
> > Where things get more complicated is with *fixed-precision* decimals,
> > which is what is generally wanted for something like money. What is the
> > correct result of decimal(1.03, precision: 2) / 2 - decimal(0.515, 3)?
> > decimal(0.51, 2)? decimal (0.52, 2)? an error? And what about decimal(10) /
> > 3?
> >
> > If you stick to functions / methods, this is slightly less of an issue,
> > because you can have decimal(1.03, 2)->dividedBy(2, RoundingMode::DOWN) ==
> > decimal(0.51, 2); or decimal(1.03, 2)->split(2) == [ decimal(0.52, 2),
> > decimal(0.51, 2) ] Example names taken directly from the brick/money
> > package.
> >
> > At that point, backwards compatibility is less of an issue as well: make
> > the new functions convenient to use, but distinct from the existing ones
> >
> I came back to this discussion after my last reply on the BCMath as an
> object thread, because we went through a very similar discussion there with
> regard to operators.
> I think that, roughly, the fixed precision should be defined on the scalar
> itself:
> 1.234_d3
> 1.234 is the value, _d makes it a decimal type, and 3 shows that this value
> has a precision of 3. (Actually, it has a SCALE of 3, since precision is
> significant digits, and also includes the integer portion). But when it
> comes to fixed-precision values, it should follow rules very similar to
> those we discussed in the BCMath thread:

Woound't it be much better to capture this complex information in an 
Object, and then allow operators on this? Like... Saki was pretty much 
suggesting with her BCMatch/Number class RFC?

I can't imagine people looking at code understanding a syntax like this 
right away, let alone of what it all means.


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