On Wed, 10 Apr 2024 at 18:52, Erick de Azevedo Lima <
ericklima.c...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Reminder to not run into a sunk cost fallacy.
> My main point was not the cost/work itself, but the fact that big concerns
> should be raised ASAP, and not on the 11th hour, as Robert said.
> Whether we like it or not, the voting right beholders' concerns should be
> taken into account with "special attention", because, well...
> They are the ones that, in the end, decide if your RFC will make it to the
> language or not.
> So having no negative feedback or having it only at the last minute before
> voting is not good at all.
> I think doing this and voting for a "no" for a feature that was so well
> received and discussed extensively by the internalians discourages
> OSS developers from contributing to the language we care so much about.

Agreed, but to give you some more context:

 * I know JRF has been holding off feedback about it for a long time,
waiting for the RFC to be more "stable" (i.e. not being a moving flubber)
before posting thoughts
 * I personally usually only get into RFCs very early on (when I have a
clear idea/opinion formed on a topic upfront) or at the end, when the RFC
has gone through the ironing out a lot: the in-between is a brawl for which
24h/day aren't sufficient.

The nature of email threads in a mailing list makes RFCs extremely hard to
approach anything that is "in-flight".

Marco Pivetta



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