On Sun, Apr 28, 2024 at 11:36 AM Rowan Tommins [IMSoP]
<imsop....@rwec.co.uk> wrote:
> On 28 April 2024 07:02:22 BST, Alexander Pravdin <alex.prav...@interi.co> 
> wrote:
> >Hello everyone. To continue the discussion, I'm suggesting an updated
> >version of my proposal.
> This all sounds very useful ... but it also sounds like several months of 
> full-time expert development.
> Before you begin, I think it will be really important to define clearly what 
> use cases you are trying to cater for, and who your audience is. Only then 
> can you define a minimum set of requirements and goals.
> It seems to me that the starting point would be an extension with a decimal 
> type as an object, and implementations for all the operations you want to 
> support. You'll probably want to define that more clearly than "anything in 
> the language which takes a float".
> What might seem like it would be the next step is converting the object to a 
> "native type", by adding a new case to the zval struct. Not only would this 
> require a large amount of work to start with, it would have an ongoing impact 
> on everyone working with the internals.
> I think a lot of the benefits could actually be delivered without it, and as 
> separate projects:
> - Optimising the memory performance of the type, using copy-on-write 
> semantics rather than eager cloning. See Gina's recent thread about "data 
> classes".
> - Overloading existing functions which accept floats with decimal 
> implementations. Could potentially be done in a similar way to operator 
> overloads and special interfaces like Countable.
> - Convenient syntax for creating decimal values, such as 0.2d, 
> declare(default_decimal), or having (decimal) casts affecting the tree of 
> operations below them rather than just the result. This just needs the type 
> to be available to the compiler, not a new zval type - for instance, 
> anonymous function syntax creates a Closure object.
> There may be other parts I've not mentioned, but hopefully this illustrates 
> the idea that "a native decimal type" doesn't have to be one all-or-nothing 
> project.
> Regards,
> Rowan Tommins
> [IMSoP]

I'm not so sure this could be implemented as an extension, there just
isn't the right hooks for it.

Robert Landers
Software Engineer
Utrecht NL

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