---- On Tue, 25 Jun 2024 17:29:58 +0100  Saki Takamachi  wrote --- 
 > Also, it is not practical to record the remainder in the Number object 
 > resulting from the division. This is because there can be objects whose 
 > division results are equal but whose remainders are different.
 > In the discussion of the Number class, it was argued that objects should not 
 > have too much state. 
 > Increasing the state of surplus is not desirable in this respect, as it 
 > contradicts the previous argument.

If anything I was thinking of recording the remainder in the the original 
number object, not the one returned (or possibly in something like a WeakMap 
keyed to it). So it does increase state and makes it technically no longer 
immutable, but that change in state would not be detectable from outside except 
by profiling performance. It's state that would have to be ignored in the 
equality check.

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