Hi Marco, Benjamin,

> As for tuple vs reference, I think the general direction is to move away from 
> references as much as possible, and AFAIK references actually make things 
> harder for IDEs and static analysis tools, whereas the tuple syntax 
> array{string, string} is well understood at least by PhpStorm, Psalm and 
> PHPStan, which can correctly type the function's return value in their stubs.

I see, I agree. This problem seems to be solved by using PHPDoc.

> I'm wondering if an array vs an object allocation makes a difference here, or 
> if the amount of `bcdivmod()` execution dwarfs this sort of concern?
> Thinking:
> ```php
> $result = \bcdivmod('123', '2');
> echo $result->quotient; // '61'
> echo $result->remainder; // '1'
> ```
> No idea if that's relevant, so I'm throwing it in the room.

BCMath is significantly faster in master, so its cost may have a significant 

For reference, here is a speed comparison with 8.3 on my env. The benchmark 
used is the code from ext-decimal, which is often introduced in the context of 
"BCMath is slow”. The unit of all measurement results is "seconds".

- add int: 3.7771
- add string: 3.0387
- sub int: 3.491
- sub string: 3.0248
- mul int: 5.3318
- mul string: 5.7315
- div int: 10.6659
- div string: 25.762

- add int: 1.72
- add string: 1.4444
- sub int: 1.763
- sub string: 1.4745
- mul int: 2.2038
- mul string: 2.0621
- div int: 2.8515
- div string: 2.9411



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