Hello Internals.

I'm here to discuss an improvement in error messages when dealing with

After watching Derick Rethans speak at the UK PHP Conference:


I also think it would be very useful to have better error messages.

At the moment, we get things like "Syntax Error" ... period, no clue
where the JSON is corrupt or anything else. With big JSONs is very
cumberstone to get to the line and character position where the JSON
is corrupt .... for example.

I am already working in a change that would improve error messages
while working with JSONs.

What I am very close to achieve is to have error messages like "Syntax
Error - at character position X near content Y" .... something like

I already know that I can do it, actually there is a Work In Progress
Pull Request for this :


I repeat, is work in progress. BUT it can be done. Maybe my approach
is not the best ... but one way or another .... it can be done.

Please let me know your ideas, thoughts about this.

Please, dont kill me for the actual code, is WIP.

Thanks in advance to everyone.


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