On Fri, Aug 23, 2024, at 11:27, Nick Lockheart wrote:
> On Fri, 2024-08-23 at 09:16 +0100, Rowan Tommins [IMSoP] wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > On 23 August 2024 01:42:38 BST, Nick Lockheart <li...@ageofdream.com>
> > wrote:
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > BUT, if people already complain about "\" being ugly, having to
> > > > write
> > > > "namespace\" is going to make them REALLY grumpy...
> > > > So maybe at the same time (or, probably, in advance) we need to
> > > > come
> > > > up with a nicer syntax for explicitly referencing the current
> > > > namespace.
> > > 
> > >    namespace foo using global functions;
> > > 
> > > - or - 
> > > 
> > >    namespace foo using local functions;
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Tell PHP what you want at the per-file level.
> > 
> > 
> > This doesn't seem mutually exclusive to me. If you have a file where
> > you've opted for "using global functions", you might want a way to
> > reference a function in the current namespace. 
> Correct, so if you use the example:
>     namespace foo using global functions;
> you can write:
>     array_key_exists();
> and it will be resolved as global without a namespace lookup and will
> use the dedicated opcode.
> But if you need to use a local function you can do:
>     \foo\sort();
> The proposed global/local declaration as part of the namespace
> declaration just turns off namespace lookups and sets the default
> resolution for **unqualified** names.
> Fully qualified names are not affected.
> > It also doesn't address my other point, that having global as the
> > default mode (even if we provide an option for local) is much less
> > disruptive to existing code.
> They are compatible, but related decisions.
> I think it would be easier for people to accept a new PHP version where
> unqualified names were always global, if we also had an option to make
> local/namespaced the default resolution for *unqualified* names, on a
> per-file basis, for those who need that.
> Thus, there are multiple decision points:
> 1. Should we do namespace lookups on unqualified function calls at all?
> 2. If yes to 1, should we lookup in global first or local first?
> 3. Regardless of 1 or 2, should we let developers explicitly specify a
> behavior for unqualified calls in the namespace declaration?
> 4. If yes to 1, should the behavior of namespace lookups change for
> user-defined functions vs PHP built-in function names?
> These aren't mutually exclusive, but they all work together to create a
> complete behavior.
> There are several ways that the above options could be combined:
> ### OPTION ONE ###
> Using a regular namespace declaration still does an NS lookup, in the
> same order, just like it normally works now.
> That means that code that uses:
>     namespace foo;
> will behave exactly the same as today, with no BC breaks.
> Developers using the new PHP version could opt-in to explicit namespace
> behavior with:
>     namespace foo using global functions;
> or
>     namespace foo using local functions;
> In both cases, *fully-qualified* names still work the same.
> Only *unqualified* names are affected by this directive, and they use
> local only or global only, depending on the declaration.
> ### OPTION TWO ###
> Namespace lookup is removed from a future version of PHP.
> Code that uses the current namespace declaration: 
>     namespace foo;
> will assume that all unqualified function calls are global scope.
> To use a function in the local namespace, it can be fully qualified
> with:
>     \foo\MyFunction();
> But, developers could also write:
>      namespace foo using local functions;
> And all unqualified function names would be resolved to local at
> compile time. Global functions could still be accessed with a `\` if
> this directive was used:
>     \array_key_exists();
> ### OPTION THREE ###
> Namespace lookup is removed from a future version of PHP.
> Code that uses the current namespace declaration:
>     namespace foo;
> ...will assume that an *unqualified* function name is a global function
> *IF* it is a PHP built-in function.
> Otherwise, *unqualified* function names that are *not* PHP built-in
> functions will be presumed to be local to the namespace.
> With Option Three, developers can still fully-qualify their functions:
>     \foo\array_key_exists();
> ...to override a built-in name with a user function in the current
> namespace.
> Likewise, a fully-qualified:
>     \MyFunction();
> called from inside a namespace will still call the global function.
> Only unqualified names are affected.
> As an additional optional feature of Option Three, developers can
> change this behavior with:
>     namespace foo using global functions;
> or
>     namespace foo using local functions;
> Only *unqualified* names are affected by this directive, and they use
> local only or global only, depending on the namespace declaration.
> In both cases, *fully-qualified* names still work the same.
> Of course, there are many other possibilities that can be mixed-and-
> matched.

I personally would find option 3 to be the best of both worlds, and you don't 
even need the `namespace ... using ... functions` stuff.

— Rob

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