>From: "George Schlossnagle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> Yes, I know that operator overloading, as well as statically
>> typed/dynamically typed, type checking, etc. are hotly debated topics,
>> and
>> that can be healthy, at least as long as there are reasonable
>> arguments for
>> either side. What I decried wasn't this thing in particular, and I'm
>> relatively new to the PHP online community, but from the responses I
>> got,
>> felt something of a complacency ("The language is good enough as it
>> is. Who
>> needs advanced features. They may be misused. Etc."), and I guess I
>> reacted
>> to that, because I find it rather different in the C++ mailing lists
>> and
>> newsgroups, where there's often lively discussions about the evolution
>> of the language.

>The real problem is that there's a constant influx of (usually)
>well-meaning people like yourself who come to the lists to propose
>ideas which have been discussed in depth numerous times before and
>which have been discarded (for better or worse, my personal opinion is
>for better in this case).

I figured that could be the case, which is also, in my first postings, I
said that if this had been discussed before, I'd appreciate pointers to it,
because I hadn't found it in the archive. However, I got hardly any response
to that, which is why I kept asking about things that may have been asked
and answered a zillion times.

>At any rate, it's been discussed before and shelved, long before you
>came on the scene.  Even though the topic is new for you in this venue,
>it's old for many other people, and it gets annoying to rehash the same
>topics every couple months when someone new joins the list.  The
>discussions are all in the archives though, if you want to see the
>less-reactionary roots of the rejections.

I've searched for "overloading" on the archive for this list, as well as
others and the newsgroups, but, as I said above, found very little about it.
However, now that I know it's there, I'll make a new attempt.

Thanks for your reply.



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