Mike Bretz wrote:

> Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
>> What was the reasoning again for not having var be a synonym for public
>> in PHP5?  It is a bit annoying that a simple PHP4 class using var throws
>> a notice in PHP5 when there is technically nothing wrong with it.
>> -Rasmus
> I personally don't support "forward compatibility" as well. Especially
> when talking about a php 4.x tree, which has to be "downward" compatible
> as well. Introducing a new synonym allowing to develop "upward"
> compatible php code at least breaks this rule. On the other hand I don't
> believe that this synonym would help in any way to produce good
> perfoming "pre-php5" code.
> Why not make PHP5 not complaining about those php4 "var" definitions at
> all?
> Maybe a new error level for "deprecated" keywords (and function calls)
> would be helpful?

and is it a problem to implement such a new error level also with PHP
4.4. for example reporting overwriting $this is not allowed in PHP 5 ?

and, when we are at this, what about 'clone' as a dummy-keyword in PHP 4.4 ?

Sebastian Mendel

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