Hello Zeev,

Thursday, June 16, 2005, 7:12:49 PM, you wrote:

> Marcus,

> If you read what I said in my emails on this topic, it's clear that I know
> that this is the case.  As I said, this approach has the side effect of 
> creating an empty placeholder if the variable to be checked doesn't 
> exist.  I also said that I think it would usually make more sense to simply
> assign the variable with the wanted value, instead of just returning that 
> value, so that you don't have to clutter your code with ifsetor()'s or 
> whatever each coder ends up calling this (sometimes it may not be 
> desirable, obviously, but I assume it would be more often than not).

> At the end of the day, this is really a nuance.  Fact is that it's possible
> to implement ifsetor() functionality today in userland.  We cannot go 
> around implementing a new construct for every possible thing that someone 
> might need.  This should be implemented in userland, even if it has a small
> side effect.  It gives you the full power of doing whatever you want, 
> instead of being limited to what a low level construct does.

Fact is it's not.

Try it and show it here.

We wouldn't discuss it if it was possible.


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