Hi Rasmus,

> Steph wrote:
> > If there's the capability to run PHP 6 without Unicode support, surely
> > there's no reason for extensions to lose back compatability when they're
> > updated...?
> That's going to be tough.  They will definitely lose binary
> compatibility because all sorts of internal structures are changing
> which a runtime switch can't do anything about.  We may be able to keep
> compatibility at the source level, but having extensions that fall over
> when you turn on unicode semantics would be a real pain.  It might be a
> feature to break them and have a nice FAQ on what needs to be done to
> upgrade the extension to support Unicode.

Ouf - you're effectively saying that Unicode support will need to be enabled
via INI directives on a per-extension basis?  Or that there will need to be
two versions of every PHP extension?

> Not that I agree with Derick on changing the meaning of E_ERROR.


- Steph

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