SG>>random than a catch statement.  It's a deliberate, directed statement, and
SG>>one which *does* clean up after itself despite your unfounded claims to the

My objection to goto is based on the fact that it allows to randomly 
transfer control between arbitary points of script, which can (and 
will) easily lead to spaghetti code and actually promotes this style of 
writing code. It has nothing to do with goto cleaning or not cleaning 

SG>>But if we're going to make charged statements, then how about this?  I
SG>>suspect that your objection to goto lies in the "problem" such a construct
SG>>makes for accelerators (Zend Accelerator specifically).  If that's your
SG>>objection then at least state so honestly.

Please drop this tinfoil-hat conspiracy baloney, really. It's not funny. 
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer
[EMAIL PROTECTED] +972-3-6139665 ext.115

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