Jared Williams wrote:

-----Original Message-----


How about moving away from using system entities to construct the manual and 
using Xinclude instead? (See the mysql ref manual
docbook sources) This would make the base pages independent from each other, 
and loadable into a DOMDocument, which could be
transformed with xslt.

for what it's worth: my end-user experience of (and that of pretty much 
everyone in php-land I work with/ speak to)
is that the mysql docs are a dog to work with and the the php docs are in 
comparison a delight.

the interface/layout of the php docs are brilliant (regardless of whether 
things like OO related fucntionality
cannot be optimally tackled from a doc maintainers point of view.), a testament 
to the people who create and
maintain it... by all accounts phpers are better catered for than most other 

of course the content of the docs itself is, in general, imho, fantastic also. 

so don't go changing a winning formula, from the end user's point of view, 
lightly - what you have now
is a very big factor in the fact the php has grown so large. :-)



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