Zitat von Hans Lellelid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I think there is far more
demand for a fast & stable PHP then for syntatic sugar features which
seem extremely useful, but in the end prove to carry too much baggage.

Nothing has been proven either way.. at least not publicly.. unless I
just missed it.

I haven't talked to a single developer a large-scale PHP tool,
application, etc. that wouldn't switch their trunk to using namespaces
tomorrow if they were adopted in the engine.  We [in] PHP developers who
are building "enterprise" open-source components and frameworks really
will use this feature -- and I think we'd all argue that we really need
this feature.  I hope that namespaces would be more than syntactic sugar
-- e.g. providing an import/using keyword that would declare namespace
context -- but even if they were only "syntactic sugar" they would at
minimum provide a naming standard for PHP packages to avoid collisions.

Namespaces certainly got a lot of mention at Int'l PHP Conference (in
form of request and, during the panel, applause from audience when
mentioned); it was clear that this is a very anticipated PHP6 feature.
None of us non-C developers are trying to say we think this should be
easy, or trying to otherwise minimize the problems that have been
presented in the past or the reasons why it hasn't been implemented so
far, but let there be no confusion that this is a really, really
important feature for us.

I couldn't agree more. There really wasn't an appealing reason to switch to PHP5 too quickly for me, and force the users of our code to do the same. There are a few reasons to switch to 5.2 probably, but that's a different story. But if there wasn't already Unicode support in PHP 6, having namespaces was definitely a good reason to force our user to that version.


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