Stefan Esser wrote:

While it is true that the PHP script is not subject to SQL injection
when the application does not build parts of the query based on
untrusted userinput it is not true that you are not at risk.
Ever heard of stored procedures? And precisely of SQL injection in
stored procedures? Prepared statements can do nothing about SQL
Injection in Stored Procedures. And if you teach people that they only
should use prepared statements they will NEVER know that it is dangerous
to put userinput into the query. And aside from that they have never
learned how to do it correctly if there is ever a situation where they
have to do it.

Maybe I am missing something. If you are talking about dynamic query generation in stored routines, then I would think that people who read the advice over dynamic query generation for PHP, that they would hopefully also apply those practices to when they are writing/using stored routines. Also DBA's in general are not all that fond of dynamic query generation in stored routines.

Someone also mentioned that LIMIT parameters cannot be prepared:
"As of MySQL 5.0.7, placeholders can be used for the arguments of the LIMIT clause when using prepared statements."

So at least in MySQL this works. I dont know about PostgreSQL or Firebird. SQLite does not natively support prepared statements anyways.

Furthermore there is currently no good way in PHP to really reuse prepared statements across requests in PHP, as such they help you very little in terms of improving performance, unless you reuse the query multiple times in a request. As a matter of fact they may even reduce performance, because they may generate query plans that are inefficient for the given placeholder values. This is because the query plan is either optimized for the most general case or the first set of placeholder values

Anyways .. we are moving away from PHP here.


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