whilst reading the thread on security issues in response to
the article on the theregister.co.uk I came accross a remark
by Stefan Esser aimed at Chris Shiftlett which I didn't
understand, is this what he was referring to when he pointed
a/the violation of the php license?:


1. I don't feel strongly about the problem.
2. I don't want to stir any animosity towards phpsec or Chris Shiftlett
(Im very grateful for all the things I have learnt form them/him)
3. Stefan Essers apparent feeling of ill treatment may be colouring his
manner in terms of communicating this (and other) issue(s)

BUT ... doesn't Stefan have a valid point with regards to the

if not I guess my understanding of the PHP licence and the
PHP Group's policy is incorrect (I will make a go of rereading to correct
that mistake) but I would have thought that someone would have, very quickly,
offered up the reason(s) as to why there was no violation.

if yes then I'm rather surprised that:

a. the point was glossed over in favour of tackling Stefan's manner.
b. Chris Shiflett (and/or phpsec) didn't spot the 'problem' and
correct it proactively (I'm guessing, given his standing within the php
community, Chris know where his towel is, so to speak)
c. an amicable, behind the scenes solution was not crafted and implemented
(I gather Chris is good friends with more than one of the members/founders
of the PHP group) - in the spirit of portraying a consistent image/message
to the outside world - at the end of the day changing a logo and colour
scheme for the output of the tool in question is a rather minor technical
challenge (it seems to me).

I ask purely out of an insatiable curiosity with regard to anything that
has to do with php, I'd be very for any comments anyone offer
on this issue.

It has not been my intention to offend anyone so I apologize in advance
if I have inadvertently done so.

kind regards,

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