On Tue, 2007-01-23 at 13:51 +0000, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
> php.net distributes programs that violate the PHP license: e. g. PHPUnit
> or PHPDocumentor (see http://pecl.php.net).  If php.net is ok with
> ignoring the license terms (and has been for several years), does the
> license still mean sh!t?

That's wrong. These two projects don't use code which is licensed under
the PHP License so the PHP Licenses doesn't affect them. (See also other
(Rasmus's?) posts in this thread. But php.net is delivering another
project, with "PHP" in it's name, which is infact called PHP and uses
PHP licensed code, so maybe php.net is allowed to call there products
PHP ;-)

As a further note: 

  4. Products derived from this software may not be called "PHP", nor
     may "PHP" appear in their name, without prior written permission
     from [EMAIL PROTECTED]  [...]

If they would use code licensed under the PHP license and therefore would 
be derived work, they could still ask for a written permission, how do you 
know they didn't?


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