how it is different? How explaining array written as [] so much harder
that explaining array written as ()? What exactly constitutes the

Here's the difference:

You can Google for 'array' and learn a lot.

If you try to Google for [] you don't learn squat.

Try it and see.

So our 'newbie' at least has a good chance of figuring out array(1, 2,
3) on their own.  They've got must worse odds of figuring out [1,2,3]

Ok. So I propose more "searcheable" operators:

let($i, 1)                 ===     $i = 1
let($d, add($a, $b, $c))   ===     $d = $a + $b + $c
call(foo, $arg1, $arg2)    ===     foo($arg1, $arg2)


Our 'newbie' at least has a good chance of figuring out
   $a = [1,2,3]          vs.        $a = array(1,2,3)
is different than
   $a = foobar(1,2,3)

Tullio Andreatta

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