On 5/8/07, Marcus Boerger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Now adding Pecl/Zip was a clever idea as it allows an easy way to
compress stuff on the fly for sites that offer downloads. However
this is a) far far away from a mainstream problem

And to read zip files (upload, ftp, remote data). I think each of us
has had to deal with zip data (read or write) more than once. It is a
mainstream need. Or if you mean that phar is not a mainstream problem
then I agree. But I don't really see the point to compare both, they
are too completely different extension (general purpose and
developer/packager extension).

I'm in general in favour of phar but I don't think we should start 5.3
for it. I don't think either that it is stable enough to be bundled. I
doubt it is possible to have a stable package in only three public
releases (even the first public release was already marked stable).

However once this package got a wider audience and users base, I don't
have real objections to do not bundle it even if I still think that
phar is a packager tool and have little to do with the mainstream


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