On 19/06/07, Tomas Kuliavas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I don't care about Unicode support, because it breaks things. I suspect
that PHP6 Unicode extension won't give me controls that I have in PHP5 and
PHP4 strings. PHP6 Unicode support is not designed for international
environment. It is designed for nationalized environments and allows PHP
script developers to code in their native language. Code written in
French, Russian, Arabic, Japanese or Chinese is not international. Only
some people can read it. Only some people can see difference between ァ()
and ィ(). If I have to debug code written in Japanese or Arabic, language
is the main barrier in understanding the code.

You're spreading FUD about PHP6s unicode support. Writing code in your
own native language has nothing to do with the unicode support in
PHP6. You can already do that in PHP4 if you use utf-8, since any
sequence of codepoints > 127 translates to a byte-sequence that is a
valid identifier for php.
Have a look at http://www.icu-project.org/ to see what the unicode
features in php6 are really about.

Stefan (who also thinks that the switch is of no use,
unicode_semantics should be on all the time. And at least it shouldn't
be off in php.ini-dist and php.ini-recommended)

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