I will venture to say that the biggest issue was; no transition period.

I dont think the transition period is a reason for lack of migration 3 years
is a pretty long time!. the biggest issue is lack of support in popular
applications, I can't tell you the number of time's i've spoken to  a
hosting company about lack of PHP5 support and their answer being, "Oh we
would love to move to PHP5 but our control panel and application X doesn't
yet support it". This from my experience is the most common response :(

The other issue of course is BC breaks, although I can say in my experience
the idea of fixing these issue's was a lot worse than actually fixing
them... I worried about converting a 100,000 line PHP4 app for weeks, but in
reality managed to port it to PHP5 in a weekend so I spent longer worrying
more than anythig else!

We need IMO better information on how to port PHP4 app's to PHP5 detailing
area's where issue's are likely to occur so that code can be converted

Other than that I say roll on 8/8/08 and to PHP4 I say "So long and thanks
for all the fish"!!!



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