On 7/11/07, Richard Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Mon, July 9, 2007 4:58 pm, Stefan Priebsch wrote:
> I know, and I use spl_autoload_register. But then I would blatantly
> suggest to remove __autoload() in PHP6 and force SPL to be compiled
> into
> PHP.

Deprecate in 6, remove in 7 might be a better strategy...

Otherwise you'll hear: "Oh, I can't move to 6, it doesn't have autoload"

And for those of us who never use autoload OR SPL, could you please
not force SPL into core?

If I need SPL autoload thingie, I'll put it in there.

I don't need it.

Many people need it, anyone doing any *real* OOP will need to use SPL.
If you don't use that *SPL autload thingie - which is
spl_autoload_register, how can you know you'll need it ? If you
haven't used it, you don't know how good it can be.

I could explain the benefits of SPL but there's already a list/thread
that has gone on and on and on and a bunch of people that have made
their choice already so I will not comment here.

If you want to do functional programming then go ahead, if you want to
do OOP, then do real OOP, not sub-oop or some php4-oop.

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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David Coallier,
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