Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
Derick Rethans wrote:
Regarding the unicode on/off modes, I don't think you put yourself in the developer's view at all. Users are not going to be better of having to deal with both modes.

Have you guys really thought this through?

Let's look at this from two angles.

First, from the our perspective maintaining and developing PHP.  Without
the Unicode switch, and as has already been suggested, PHP 5 will never
die.  Anything new in PHP 6 that isn't related to Unicode will be
backported to PHP 5.  Or, a slight variation of that, any developer with
no interest in Unicode will only work on the PHP 5 branch and not bother
worrying about whether it works in PHP 6 forcing others to do that work.
 I don't think we have the resources to do this, and I think it is
likely to either create 2 classes of developers and potentially
diverging trees, or it may simply kill off the Unicode effort altogether
if not enough developers bother looking at PHP 6 since PHP 5 will live
forever and is free of all this annoying Unicode stuff that is just too
complicated to deal with.

Second, from the user space PHP developers' perspective.  There are two
groups of those out there.  There is the group that builds apps for
controlled environments.  Yahoo, Facebook, and the hundreds, if not
thousands of smaller companies out there that will define a certain PHP
configuration and code against that.  To them such a switch isn't a big
deal except when it comes to re-using external code.  Which bring us to
the second group which is the group that strives to build portable apps
designed to run on as many unknown PHP configs as possible.  This is the
group that will get hit by this, and here is where we need to figure out
how to cause them the least amount of pain.  They are going to feel some
pain in order to get their heads around Unicode no matter how we handle
this.  For the portion of these folks who don't want to worry about
Unicode at all and they actually have code that does stuff on binary
strings that will break, their stuff just won't work no matter what we
do.  The difference comes down to whether it gets marked as PHP5-only or
it gets marked as non-Unicode-only.  And the other camp who do want to
make sure their stuff supports Unicode will need to write the Unicode
and non-Unicode versions and check to see if the system they are running
on supports Unicode or not.  Whether they check the PHP version number,
or the Unicode switch, or probe directly for the features they need, it
ends up being about the same amount of pain.

What may be somewhat lost in all this, that I hope nobody here is
forgetting, is that smooth Unicode support is really important.  Being
able to work directly in your native charset with your native strings
without having to deal with iconv and other crap is the goal here.  And
let's also not forget that a lot of code will actually work unchanged in
PHP 6 Unicode-mode and suddenly be Unicode-capable where they weren't
before.  I would love to see all this energy put toward making sure as
much code as possible falls into this category instead of arguing about
where to put the Unicode switch.  It's still a switch whether you put it
in the version number or in the .ini file.  In the version number it is
simply easier for people to ignore from all sides or the discussion
here, but where does that leave us 4 years from now?

I guess the question (which I am unable to answer) is if its easier to maintain PHP6 with the switch or be forced to backport to PHP5 without the switch in PHP6. If it does end up that a lot of devs prefer to work on PHP5 and as a result PHP6 is left dangling, I wonder if with the switch things will be any easier as devs will work/test only the non unicode side of things? I think this was the key point that was brought up that it will not be easier and instead was deemed more error prone to handle all the if's in a single tree, versus have a "clean" separation.

Also I wonder how a unicode on/off switch will be handled on the documentation side. It would add more permutations in the documentation to have the switch. From my understanding the situation is fairly non trivial already in how to handle all the version dependent differences. Philipp, whats your take on this?


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