On 7/19/07, David Coallier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 7/19/07, Antony Dovgal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 19.07.2007 17:41, Keryx Web wrote:
> > Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:
> >> Do you have a patch?
> >
> > Also @Antony Dovgal in the "let blocks" thread
> >
> > Short answer: No.
> >
> > The reason I posted my suggestions on this list was that a while ago I
> > had a few ideas as to how PHP could be improved.
> What I don't understand about the crypt thing you propose - is what problem 
are you trying to fix this way?
> If there are no problems, then please don't improve anything not broken.
> "No reasons to keep it" is wrong, there is at least one reason to keep it as 
is - it works fine.

Sorry I did not quite answer your question in my email + patch. Yes it
works correctly as it is, however, with this patch, the random numbers
being generated are using an algorithm (Mersenne Twister) that allows
us to give more randomness if I may use the term. So it simply doesn't
*fix* anything, but improves random number generation.

There are various reasons why people are using random generated
numbers and mt_ is more random than rand*. Simply it. It does not
**fix** something that is broken, simply improves it.

Yes we could still use a rock to make fire, and it still works fine,
but might as well use matches, lenses or lighters. It's more effective
and faster.

> --
> Wbr,
> Antony Dovgal
> --
> PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Here are three patches against HEAD [1], 5_2 [2] and the pecl
repository [3] (Do not shout just yet, I'll explain).

The idea of the patches are pretty simple, aliasing rand, srand,
getrandmax to mt_rand, mt_srand, and mt_getrandmax. The goal is simply
having a better number generation. Nothing fancier, or more different,
but simply it. It works great (compiling great against 5_2, HEAD) and
Crisitan Rodriguez also tried the compilation.

After a bit of discussion with Jani, I came to realize that keeping
the wrapper macro for php_rand, php_srand is plain useless. Yes some
pecl extensions do rely on them (and for those who do, I also provided
a patch [3]). We both realized that there's not many extensions
relying on php_rand and php_srand thus removed it completely..

Here are the patches:

[1] HEAD : http://dev.agoraproduction.com/php/php6/head-mt-changes.diff
[2] 5_2     : http://dev.agoraproduction.com/php/5_2/5.2-mt-changes.diff
[3] PECL : http://dev.agoraproduction.com/php/php6/pecl-mt-changes.diff

Please note that the mt-changes patches are not only changing
ext/standard/* but also the ext/* relying on them. (soap, mcrypt) but
also a small change in main/reentrancy.c both in 5_2 and HEAD.


David Coallier,
Founder & Software Architect,
Agora Production (http://agoraproduction.com)

David Coallier,
Founder & Software Architect,
Agora Production (http://agoraproduction.com)

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