Pierre wrote:
Hi Gaetano,

I see that you list the version as well. Do you build the packages
yourself using the latest (and best state) release? Or do you rely on
what we have now for pecl4win?
I am not sure I understand the question 100%...

What I do is:
- fetch list of extensions from pecl.php.net, getting the html page of cvs.php.net/pecl4win/ and scanning it - fetch the latest and greatest version of every extension from pecl.php.net (I get the ext html page first, scan it for versions, and download the last one available. The process might be extended to get older/all versions, but imho it makes little sense, especially since many packaged extensions do not compile as-is on win32 anyway. I separate state info from release number, but for now do not really take into account if it is beta or alpha) - if file config.w32 is missing from the package, I get it (via http) from cvs
- compile all extensions downloaded and upload them to the db
- on next run, only newer packaged extensions are fetched, and the process repeated

The code is an evolution of the existing pecl4win codebase. It has been designed so that it can also download and compile stuff directly out of cvs, as the existing version does. I did not look at all at the snaps.php.net process/source.


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