On 9/24/07, Lukas Kahwe Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, it seems that MySQL AB is finally committing to fix up PDO_MySQL and
> to generally accept the fact that PDO is the future. Of course mysqli
> will also be actively maintained. But they will also make mysqlnd play
> nicely with PDO etc.
> They have a budget allocated for PDO development. They will soon assign
> a developer on this I am told. As part of this effort it is expected
> that the entire PDO test suite will also benefit.
> Furthermore they have allocated someone from the doc team to check over
> the ext/mysql and ext/mysqli docs. I will poke the relevant people at
> regular intervals, that any MySQL specific features in PDO will make it
> into the docs.

Thanks, Lukas! That's a great news!

Alexey Zakhlestin

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