I think type hinting of all variables eventually would be great, as long
as it stays completely optional.

On Mon, 2007-11-19 at 01:18 +0100, Baptiste Autin wrote:
> I know well the sacred "loose typing" anthem, but is there any hope to see
> the class properties type hinted one day? (and the return value as well)
> I mean, as an OPTION, as it is already done with function parameters...
> Class A {
> }
> Class B {
> public A $a;
> }
> Because:
> 1.    It is so strange to see that in PHP5 only the function parameters
> have this feature implemented today. It's like a half-done job.
> 2.    Many design patterns make use of composition (versus inheritance -
> thanks the GoF) and a composition would be more readable with such a
> feature.
> 3.    Model-driven, reverse-enginering tools would appreciate this too.
> Other question: would it be conceivable to gather the ENV / GET / POST (and
> so on) variables into one or more system classes? (sorts of "context
> classes") so that one would always have the choice between looking into the
> traditional arrays $_xxx, or into the system classes (I'm sure this point
> has already been discussed, but I wasn't there :-).

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