On Dec 3, 2007, at 2:17 PM, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:

I am a developer on a CMS also which uses the auto-include functionality to include many classes over many files. Each request can include up to 30 different files. The speed increase is around the 15% mark when combining
the files.  This is with APC installed too.

Can you provide some benchmark setups that this could be researched - i.e. describe what was benchmarked and how to reproduce it?

I've seen this come up before internally at Facebook. Many people do a microtime() test within there code and consider this a definitive benchmark of how fast there script runs. Unfortunately this excludes a lot of work that's done prior to execution. Typically we see people claiming gains from combining files when in actuality they where just excluding the compilation time in their benchmark by moving compilation done via includes() to before the initial script begins executing. When measuring this type of optimization one really must measure outside of PHP using something like an Apache Bench tool so you get an idea of the big picture. I think trying to optimize these also presumes that you're already running a bytecode cache etc.


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