Hi everyone,

i just want to throw in my 2 cents. I've experimented alot with file bundling in the past on several projects and i can confirm that is does have a positive affect in applications that include/require a lot of files during a request (at least thats how it looks like!). Yes my tests were always "unprofessional" tests using microtime() and maybe they're worth less because of that but i dont think they're worth nothing. I've prepared an example online on a vserver that runs php 5.2.4 with apc enabled (no fancy settings, mostly defaults). Without bundling, the application includes/requires between 50-80 files a request, mostly through an autoloader registered with spl_autoload_register. And i think such a number of includes per request are not uncommon for large OO projects that also use other (OO) frameworks/libraries (like zend/symfony/doctrine/propel/ whatever). With the bundle, which contains all of the most-used classes that are needed on every request, it's about 2-10 includes.

Here the links to the experimental project

With a bundled class library:

And here without one:

Note that the number of included files as well as the rendering time displayed at the bottom are of course pretty inaccurate due to the things stated above but the effect gets pretty clear. I can't exclude that this impact may have other reasons, so if this is the case i'm happy about every suggestion. The only difference in the two links makes this piece of code:

if ( ! isset($_GET['nobundle'])) {
    require_once 'cache/classes.php';

If someone is interested in the full source, its here:

The autoload method registered with spl_autoload_register is here:

(Removing the preg_match did not have a noticeable performance improvement when i tested that. In fact i commented it out in the code used by the demonstration.)

I've got similar results, that means a noticeable difference between unbundled/bundled, on my dev machine (OS X), too. So for me it seems that such a bundle is really worth it and thats why i would like to be able to create such bundles with namespaced/packaged classes, too but if someone can show me that the problem lies somewhere else and that the number of files is not the cause of this performance difference i'm happy, too.

This is NOT meant to be the THE one demonstration that multiple namespaces/packages per file have a right to exist, its just my experiences with this issue and i wanted to throw them in.



On Dec 4, 2007, at 9:26 AM, Derick Rethans wrote:

On Mon, 3 Dec 2007, Brian Shire wrote:

On Dec 3, 2007, at 2:17 PM, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:

I am a developer on a CMS also which uses the auto-include
functionality to include many classes over many files. Each
request can include up to 30 different files.  The speed increase
is around the 15% mark when combining the files.  This is with APC
installed too.

Can you provide some benchmark setups that this could be researched
- i.e. describe what was benchmarked and how to reproduce it?

I've seen this come up before internally at Facebook.  Many people do
a microtime() test within there code and consider this a definitive
benchmark of how fast there script runs.  Unfortunately this excludes
a lot of work that's done prior to execution.

FWIW: Xdebug's xdebug_time_index() function does not have this issue, as
it starts in RINIT.


Derick Rethans
http://derickrethans.nl | http://ez.no | http://xdebug.org

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