
following some discussions on the list (re. multiple namespaces in file) 
as well as a short discussion on IRC regarding not being able to do
"use yeti::xml::DomDocument as DomDocument;" - I do not see any point in having
namespaces at all. And my excuses for the somewhat longish mail...

Some arguments:

1. As it is impossible to do "use XXX as NativeClass" we get to the 
   point where we'd have to namespace new internal native classes
   otherwise we might introduce BC breaks. AFAIK, we've always said that
   PHP reserves the globals space for it's own use (see also:
   http://www.php.net/manual/en/userlandnaming.rules.php). In case we do
   add new classes (an example could be DateTimeSpan), they should of
   course follow the same format as already existing classes in the
   extension (DateTime, DateTimeZone). However introducing the new class
   DateTimeSpan might break people's code that do things like:

        use myNamespace::DateTimeZone as DateTimeZone;

   feature versions of people would then show:

        Fatal error: Cannot use myNamespace::DateTimeZone as DomDocument 
        because the name is already in use.

   It would be silly to require to have to do this:

        - Create a class PHP::Date::TimeSpan
        - In your scripts:
          use PHP::Date::TimeSpan

  But with the current implementation, this seems to be the only non-BC
  breaking solution. If we chose *not* to require this silly namespacing
  of internal classes, users instead have to do this:

        use myNamespace::DateTimeZone as myDateTimeZone;

  Basically prefixing the classnames... This you can already do just
  fine without namespaces.

2. You have to import every class yourself. You can currently not do:
    use myNamespace::* as *; // or similar syntax

   I understand why this is not implemented (runtime vs. compile time),
   but it is a bit of a pain in the ass if you use lots of classes from
   your own library f.e.

3. We keep bickering over using { } or not, multiple namespaces in a
   file or not... etc. I understand that people want more flexibility,
   but also we need a *simple* to explain implementation. With the
   current implementation I see the following problems here:

   - You can't stick multiple namespaces in one file
   - Unlike other constructs in PHP that mark executable blocks,
     namespaces don't use { }.
   - The "namespace" keyword at the start of a file is somewhat magic,
     because it can only appear as first element in your script.

4. What is wrong with simple prefixes in the first place? Both PEAR_*,
   Zend_*, ezc*, and ezp* are perfectly acceptable markers for different
   'namespaces'.  We could optionally create a registry on php.net for
   this to avoid conflicts.

With all the above considerations, especially my first point, I still have not
heard any good reason why namespaces in the current implementation are actually
useful - or what particular case they solve... so I am wondering, are they
really useful? I come now to the conclusion that they are not, and for myself
(and most likely my work projects) I would have to decide not to go with
namespaces, but instead stick with the 3 letter prefixing.  Something that I
have totally no problem with, as it is nice and easy.


Derick Rethans
http://derickrethans.nl | http://ezcomponents.org | http://xdebug.org

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