Hi D,

  extension (DateTime, DateTimeZone). However introducing the new class
  DateTimeSpan might break people's code that do things like:

use myNamespace::DateTimeZone as DateTimeZone;

Typo? I guess you meant 'DateTimeSpan' to be in there somewhere...

This is I think the biggest problem with the implementation, that new internal classes can still break userland code. The problem of single-file namespacing is only a problem because of the performance implications for those who bundle their includes, and it _should_ be possible to find a good way to resolve that. I don't really see a problem with the 'use only at the head of the file' thing (although I know others do); in fact I prefer it, because it makes for an easier upgrade path.

Can I just ask one thing? If namespace support is once again pulled before it sees the light of a release, can we _please_ document exactly what the problems were, loud and clear, and put the document somewhere people are likely to see it?


- Steph

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