On Sun, 9 Dec 2007 04:05:52 +0300, in php.internals [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Solar Designer) wrote:

>Attached is a quick patch for PHP 5.2.5 that replaces RSA's copyrighted
>implementation of MD5 with my public domain one:
> http://cvsweb.openwall.com/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/Owl/packages/popa3d/popa3d/md5/

A bit on a side note regarding the php function md5(): In general it
is possible to supply an arbitrary number of bits as input to MD5.
However, the implementation of md5() only takes a sting with octets as
the smallest fragments.

Would it somehow be possible to supply an input where the number of
bits does not add up to a number divisible by eight? Or is this
feature of md5 simply not relevant to anybody?

- Peter Brodersen

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