On Dec 16, 2007 8:56 PM, Stanislav Malyshev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't see how it'd help anything in debugging.

Presumably, a stack trace would now contain file and line number.

> That's not binding. But the problem is, seeing this, one expects
> closure. And it's no closure.

One might expect that, coming from a language with static scope. Then
again, one would also expect global variables in that event. I don't
really see this as a huge show stopper. My experience from Javascript
(Which probably is the language, that most PHP'ers are likeable to
have met anonymous functions in) is, that lesser experienced
programmers, are often surprised by static scope. Even if they have
used Javascript for a while, they have just assumed, that it was
global variables. I think the majority of the users won't miss the
feature and those who do, will be able to appreciate why it isn't


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