On Sat, Jan 05, 2008 at 07:34:04PM -0800, Mike Lively wrote:

> input is going to makes it's way into your api at some point.  Now of course 
> you can (and should) be filtering this
> input before it is used, but if imo when dealing with a loosely typed 
> language where the same input could be hinted as an
> int in one function it eventually reaches, and a string in another.

> The point being I understand you may be targeting 'internal stuff' but 
> programming (especially web development) is
> centered around manipulating/reading input to perform actions...just because 
> it's not 'intended' doesn't mean it's going
> to never happen.

> Also, I am pretty sure PDO returns results from at least mysql and sqlite as 
> strings regardless of their type in the
> database...or are results from the database also not something type hints are 
> inteded for?


You have NOT understood what type hinting is about.

You are confusing the TYPE and the VALUE.

What type hinting means is:

* is the TYPE correct ? If so succeed.

* can the VALUE be 100% converted to the desired TYPE (eg '5' to int) ? If so 

* fail

Type HINTING is not type ENFORCEMENT. PHP type juggling is still allowed, so 
PDO returning results as strings
is quite OK as long as what is defined to be numeric *really* has a VALUE that 
is a number.

OK: the above does not apply with some things like resources since you can't 
convert them to/from a string
in a meaninful way.

Alain Williams
Linux Consultant - Mail systems, Web sites, Networking, Programmer, IT Lecturer.
+44 (0) 787 668 0256  http://www.phcomp.co.uk/
Parliament Hill Computers Ltd. Registration Information: 
Chairman of UKUUG: http://www.ukuug.org/
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