On Jan 11, 2008, at 12:43 AM, Stanislav Malyshev wrote:

At the very least, some kind of centralized RFC tracker (like PEAR's
PEPr for package proposals) would be a potential way to track features

Maybe just for the start create a wiki or something that people could put their RFCs to and edit them, and then hopefully somebody would step up to manage that wiki, etc.? You can also attach files to wiki, so it might work.

I also doubt that we will adopt some other organizations governance toolchain. However to me the main issue ia that we have a lot of proposals, a lot of new guys (some of them are also involved in core development, others are just lurkers turned posters) and our discussion style does not seem to scale. Instead we are stuck in a vicious circle that seems to cause even more posts with even less content, which invites even more lurkers to turn posters (not that participation is a bad thing in general, but it seems our new relevant content per post ratio is going down hill insanely fast).

With that in mind I would appreciate 3 things:

1) Find a system that encourages thoughtful content addition over diatribes
2) A way to summarize the issue at hand and key opinions
3) Some way to register votes so that the votes can be associated to php.net karma

As such I think the idea of having someone write up a summary of the initial proposal in a wiki is not too much to ask. This wiki page should then be updated with information as the discussion progresses. Ideally by the original author, others should get the opportunity to add comments, which should then get folded into the main text. People posting on the relevant threads are expected to keep themselves uptodate as to whats written on the wiki so that they can complain if the summary is wrong and so that they also refrain from reposting already discussed points. So this covers 2) fairly well.

For 1) I think it comes down to discipline. People that do not follow the process described in the previous paragraph should just get their fingers slapped. Ideally off list. If we stick to this process, newbies will soon learn how the list works and we will turn around this vicious circle.

Finally for 3) it would be nice if the final votes get dumped on the wiki, although an email based interface would probably be necessary to make the likes of Rasmus happy. Obviously end user opinion counts to the development of PHP, but in the end its the core developers that will write and maintain the code. As the numbers of core developers is growing (or just shifting to new names/faces), it becomes increasingly hard to keep track of who is actually a core developer and who isnt. If the votes go through some kind of system, such meta information could easily be added to the votes.

Such a process is still very lightweight, leaves a lot of room for flexibility and might still go a long way. The dangerous aspect is that it somewhat relies on discipline (without discipline you sort of forgo the chance at flexibility if you want to stay productive).


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